Mar 13, 2025
Catalog 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
NURS 122 Medical-surgical Nursing I Practicum5 credits This course offers the opportunity for the student to continue to apply and expand nursing skills, critical thinking skills, and communication skills in an acute care setting.
Prerequisites: NURS 111 , NURS 112 .
Corequisites: NURS 121 .
Quarters Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring
Global Outcome(s) This course teaches to the global outcome of Teamwork.
Student Outcomes/Competencies: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
- Holistically care for self, patients, colleagues, and community within an ethical, legal, and diverse framework within the scope of practice of the RN
- Describe common signs and symptoms of medical and surgical disorders in the clinical setting
- List scientific principles underlying medical and nursing treatment of medical-surgical illness for an assigned client (QSEN: EBP, Safety)
- Perform basic nursing skills and interventions consistent with established nursing standards and plan of care (QSEN: EBP) (GO: Critical Thinking)
- Demonstrate understanding of the pharmacologic treatment approaches in the care an assigned client (QSEN: EBP)
- Describe how principles of caring; ethical responsibility, and respect for human dignity are integrated into nursing care practices (QSEN: Patient Centered Care)
- Demonstrate accountability consistent with ethical and legal responsibilities of practical nursing
- Demonstrate beginning client teaching strategies that foster holistic health promotion and illness prevention (QSEN: Patient Centered Care)
- Demonstrate competency in educating and communicating with patients, families, interdisciplinary teams, and systems with a focus on quality health care and promotion and functional patient outcomes
- Recognize how cultural, socioeconomic, and spiritual influences affect the client’s level of wellness (GO: Intercultural Appreciation)
- Utilize technical and communication skills to obtain and record baseline data (QSEN: Informatics) (GO: Information Literacy, Communication)
- Demonstrate basic communication skills when interacting with individual clients and significant support person(s) (GO: Communication)
- Utilize appropriate communication channels and strategies in collaborating with the health care team to deliver care (GO: Communication)
- Implement the nursing care process to demonstrate safe, competent and evidence-based care within a variety of settings using appropriate tools and technologies
- Identify appropriate nursing problems for assigned client (QSEN: Patient Centered Care)
- Demonstrate developing organizational skills related to prioritization; time-management and follow through in the delivery of care (GO: Critical Thinking)
- Utilize accurate nursing judgment in the preparation, safe administration, and recording of medications to an assigned client (QSEN: Safety) (GO: Critical Thinking)
- Evaluate goals for appropriateness and discuss in a small group process
- Utilize clinical reasoning skills to synthesize patient assessment data, scientific knowledge, and pharmacology to safely manage a rapidly changing health care status
- Demonstrate underlying nursing knowledge in setting individualized clinical goals
- Utilize critical thinking to apply theoretical knowledge in providing direct care to one adult client (GO: Critical Thinking)
- Apply critical thinking and communication skills to client care, staff interactions, care development, and self-evaluation (QSEN: Patient Centered Care, Safety)
- Provide leadership to effectively collaborate and delegate with patient, family, interdisciplinary, systems administration and the wider community
- Demonstrate understanding of the role of the nurse in the delivery of care in a multidisciplinary setting (QSEN: Teamwork and Collaboration, Safety) (GO: Teamwork)
- Demonstrate interpersonal skills that facilitate teamwork (GO Teamwork)
- Demonstrate an understanding of facility-specific informational systems and the impact of those systems on the delivery of care (QSEN: Informatics) (GO: Information Literacy)