Mar 13, 2025  
Catalog 2016-2017 
Catalog 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

NURS 111 Nursing Foundations

4 credits

Introductory course in the fundamentals of nursing care focused to foster global and cultural awareness. Provides theoretical background and introduces the nursing process emphasizing the role of the RN.

Prerequisites: Instructor permission.

Corequisites: NURS 112 .

Quarters Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring

Global Outcome(s)
This course teaches to the global outcome of Information Literacy.


Student Outcomes/Competencies:
Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:

  • Holistically care for self, patients, colleagues, and community within an ethical, legal, and diverse framework within the scope of practice of the RN (Quality and Safety Education for Nurses: QSEN - Patient Centered Care & Evidence Based Care)(Global Outcomes: GO - Intercultural Appreciation)
    • Understand holistic care (Global Outcomes: Intercultural Appreciation) (QSEN - Patient Centered Care, Evidence Based Care)
    • Identify populations (GO - Intercultural Appreciation)
    • Identify the members of the health care team and describe their respective roles (GO - Teamwork) (QSEN- teamwork & collaboration)
    • Understand the basic legal and ethical elements of documentation, confidentiality and patient rights that govern the role of the nurse (GO - Information Literacy) (QSEN - Safety & Informatics)
  • Demonstrate competency in educating and communicating with diverse patients, families, interdisciplinary teams, and systems with a focus on quality health care promotion and functional patient centered outcomes (GO - Communication & Intercultural Appreciation & Teamwork)(QSEN - Patient Centered Care & Teamwork and Collaboration)
    • Identify the components of individualized patient teaching  (GO - Critical Thinking)(QSEN - Patient Centered Care)
    • Analyze the nursing process (GO - Critical Thinking)(QSEN - Patient Centered Care)
    • Evaluate the concept of patient centered care (QSEN - Patient Centered Care)
  • Apply the nursing care process to demonstrate safe, competent and evidence-based care within a variety of settings using appropriate tools and technologies (QSEN - Safety)(GO - Critical Thinking)
    • Evaluate information management systems and resources related to evidence based practice (QSEN - Informatics & Evidence Based Practice)(GO- Information Literacy)
    • Explore the role of the nurse in a variety of settings
  • Apply clinical reasoning skills to synthesize patient assessment data, scientific knowledge, and pharmacology to safely manage a rapidly changing health care status (QSEN - Safety)(GO - Critical Thinking)
    • Identity subjective and objective data collection tools and processes (QSEN - Patient Centered Care & Informatics)(GO - Critical Thinking & Information Literacy)
    • Evaluate nursing theory and the progression of ‘nursing’ clinical reasoning skills (QSEN - Quality Improvement)
    • Apply ‘Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need’ when prioritizing care (GO - Critical Thinking) (QSEN- Patient Centered Care)
  • Demonstrate leadership skills to effectively collaborate and delegate with patient, family, interdisciplinary, systems administration and the wider community (GO - Teamwork, Critical Thinking)(QSEN - Teamwork & Collaboration)
    • Demonstrate professional nursing behaviors (GO - Teamwork, Critical Thinking)(QSEN - Teamwork & Collaboration)
    • Commit to using knowledge of technical and information literacy to maintain a high level of professional competency during professional life (GO- Information Literacy) (QSEN - Informatics & Quality Improvement)