Catalog 2024-2025 
    Sep 16, 2024  
Catalog 2024-2025

HRM 301 Human Resource Management Internship II

3-5 credits
Human Resource Management Internship is designed to expand student learning in the profession at a mid-level. Students apply for internships at relevant organizations and work with a faculty member and internship supervisor to formalize the academic component of the experiences through the development of learning objectives, learning plan, timesheets, work samples, and written reviews. This course can be repeated for credit.

Prerequisites: Instructor permission required

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate techniques, skills, concepts, and best practices from the classroom to real-world circumstances
  • Investigate personal career goals and address skills that need improving to achieve these goals
  • Self-assess strengths and weaknesses in HR and workplace competencies, such as interpersonal skills, communication skills, and roles within an organizational structure
  • Self-assess for skill gaps in technical abilities as they apply in the workplace
  • Analyze constructive criticism as an opportunity to improve technical and conceptual abilities in a work environment within an organizational structure
  • Demonstrate proficiency in working across HR specialties used in the internship
  • Employ creative and critical thinking to enhance problem-solving
  • Meet task and project timelines and schedules
  • Demonstrate time management skills and effective team communication
  • Demonstrate professional behavior in the workplace
  • Meet the objectives of the internship as collaboratively developed by the student, employer, and instructor

Total Hours: 70-130 Theory (Lecture) Hours: 10 Field-Based Experience (Practicum or Internship) Hours: 60-120