Mar 31, 2025  
Catalog 2024-2025 
Catalog 2024-2025

Support Services

Support Services for Students

Academic Advising

West Building, W207 | (425) 739-8300 | |

As part of the college’s focus on student success we provide Student Success Navigators (also called “advisors”) to help each student understand placement tests, select appropriate classes for registration, and provide support throughout their education. An advisor can help any student determine degree and certificate requirements and a sequence of courses and select general education courses.

Quality planning will help each student select the right program and the right classes at the right time. Students planning to apply for any selective admission Baccalaureate or Associate degree should meet with an adviser to review degree planning steps, degree requirements, and degree progress.

Student Success Navigator’s can refer students to an array of college services designed to support student success. It remains the responsibility of each student to plan for program completion including degree requirements, certificate requirements, and transfer requirements. Early meetings with an advisor will make certain that educational plans stay on target.

Advising services for international students are provided by the International Programs staff. Advising services for high school students are provided by the High School Programs staff.


West Building, W204 | (425) 739-8115 |

A variety of assessments are offered to both students and the community.


The college offers General Education Development (GED®) in English and Spanish.


LWTech runs an authorized certification testing center for Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) and Microsoft Certified Applications Specialist (MCAS).

Course Placement

The college provides multiple placement options for enrollment in English, math, technical, and academic classes. All students are required to have placement prior to signing up for courses. Student’s may complete LWTech’s free guided self-placement assessment or may provide an approved alternative placement option. Approved alternative placement options include: high school or college transcripts, placement scores from another Washington State community or technical college, Smarter Balanced, ACT, or SAT test results. Restrictions and time-limits apply.

For more information about course placement, go to


Dental Hygiene, Nursing, and other health sciences programs require the TEAS test as part of the admission process.

Vocational Assessment

Selecting a career and an appropriate training program are major life decisions. Whether it is your first time in the employment field or you are changing careers, you are making an investment with both your time and money. Make sure it is the right decision before you start training!

To assist you in career exploration, Career Services at Lake Washington Institute of Technology offers a free Career Choice Workshop. Explore your interests, research current occupational information and learn about resources to assist you in exploring your career options. Additional interest and personality assessments are available on an individual basis. Contact Career Services at (425) 739-8113 for more information.

The Basic Food, Employment & Training Program

West Building, W207 | (425) 576-5811 | 

The Basic Food, Employment & Training (BFET) program is a federally funded program designed to support students who are receiving federal food assistance (food stamps; EBT card)*.

Students in the BFET program may receive:

  • Funding for books and supplies, up to $250 per quarter
  • Funding for tuition (based on availability and other funding sources)
  • Childcare assistance through Working Connections Childcare (DCYF)
  • Career and educational advising and planning
  • Clothing vouchers for work related clothes
  • Eligibility for food assistance if previously denied

Eligibility guidelines to receive the grant include:

  • Must be receiving or eligible to receive federal Basic Food Assistance*
  • Cannot be receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • Must have a complete 2024-2025 FAFSA/WASFA
  • Must be enrolled in any professional-technical or transfer program (not an applied bachelor’s degree) or basic skills classes like HS+, ELL, or BEdA
  • Must be committed to getting a job upon program completion

*Federal Basic Food Assistance is a form of financial support for which many students may be eligible. Once receiving this assistance, students are then eligible for BFET. To see if you qualify and to apply for Federal Basic Food Assistance, go to


East Building, E127 | (425) 739-8108 | Fax: (425) 576-0033 |

The Bookstore sells textbooks for all classes. If you are considering textbook rental, you may rent many titles, both in physical and digital form. Some digital titles are for sale as well. In addition, the Bookstore stocks course related supplies such as notebooks, binders, software, and class required kits. Most course related items are available on our website; visit Web orders can be shipped or picked up in the store. Store hours are posted on the website. The store also stocks snacks, drinks, and sundries.

Campus Public Safety

East Building, E145 | (425) 739-8224 |

Your safety and security are taken seriously at the college. Trained college security officers patrol the campus and are available for assistance and investigations during the following times: Monday through Friday 6:00 am to 10:30 pm, Saturday 12:00 am to 8:30 pm, and closed Sunday.

Information provided by law enforcement agencies concerning registered sex offenders attending the college may be obtained from the Vice President of Student Services office.

Reported Clery Crime Statistics for 2022:
Murder/Non-negligent manslaughter 0 cases reported
Negligent manslaughter 0 cases reported
Forcible sex offenses (incl. forcible rape) 0 cases reported
Nonforcible sex offenses 0 cases reported
Robbery 0 cases reported
Aggravated assault 0 cases reported
Burglary 0 cases reported
Motor vehicle theft 0 cases reported
Arson 0 cases reported
Liquor law violations 2 cases reported
Drug law violations 1 case reported
Illegal weapons possessions 0 cases reported
Hate crimes 0 cases reported
Domestic violence 0 cases reported
Dating violence 0 cases reported
Stalking 0 cases reported

Career Services

West Building, W201E | (425) 739-8113 |

Career Services offers career exploration and job search assistance to students and alumni. Whether students need assistance with career exploration, are looking for their first job, need a part time job while attending school, or are ready to start a career after graduation, Career Services focuses on providing tools needed to reach employment goals. Services include:

  • “HIRE LIONS” powered by Handshake - Online job board and platform. Search for current jobs, internships, and student employment opportunities related to your program of study, post a resume and apply to jobs online; To sign into your LWTech student Hire Lions account, visit:
  • Career Strategies, Job Search Tools Canvas course: Self-enroll for free at and access resume templates by LWTech program, cover letter templates, career exploration assessments, interviewing tips, salary negotiation, how to set up your LinkedIn profile, and more. Created specifically for LWTech students.
  • Job search, resume, cover letter, LinkedIn, networking, interviewing; one-on-one assistance available virtually or in-person by appointment
  • Career exploration workshops and resources
  • Labor market information
  • Information on local job fairs, hiring events, and career-related workshops
  • Virtual and On-campus employer recruiting opportunities
  • Computer, fax, copy machine, and phone are available to assist in job searches

Community Resource Referrals

West Building, W207 | (425) 739-8100 ext. 8474 | Community Resources (

In support of student success, LWTech maintains a list of community based organizations and college resources to help you overcome current challenges and persist through program completion. Students can search resources on our website, seek assistance from their advisors, or reach out to the resource coordinator for assistance. Resources include:

  • Basic needs services
  • Basic Food Assistance
  • Food banks
  • Housing and homelessness support services (LWTech may also have funding to support students experiencing housing insecurity)
  • Utility assistance programs
  • Transportation assistance
  • Education and employment resources

Dental Clinic

East Building, E103 | (425) 739-8130

Students receive quality dental care at a low cost in the college’s modern, fully equipped dental clinic. Licensed dentists are available by appointment to provide a wide range of dental procedures. The clinic provides students in the dental hygiene and dental assisting programs with a practical experience environment. Please call or email to make an appointment.

Disability Support Services

West Building, W207 | (425) 739-8300 | TDD: Washington Relay (TRS) 711 | |

LWTech is committed to providing support services to students with disabilities in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Students needing accommodations should apply and register for services by going to For questions regarding accommodations, please contact Disability Support Services (DSS) by calling (425) 739-8300 or email at

Early Learning Center

South Portable, S2 | (425) 576-5838 or (425) 739-8160 |

Convenient, quality care is available at the campus Early Learning Center for children from age eighteen months through six years. Children receive an active, stimulating program that encourages learning through experience and exploration. DSHS and other subsidies accepted. Please email or call for registration information.

Essential Skills Office (ESO)

West Building, W205 | (425) 739-8656 |

The Essential Skills Office (ESO) provides support to students in English Language Learning (ELL), Basic Education for Adults (BEdA), High School+ (HS+), and Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (I-BEST) programs. Staff are available to answer questions about ELL, ABE, and HS+ classes and also manage orientation, testing, and class placement for students in those programs. Navigators are available to assist students who want to enroll in an I-BEST program, a program that allows upper-level ELL and BEdA students to begin college right away, building their skills in language and math while they work toward a college certificate or degree. To learn more about ELL, BEdA, HS+, and I-BEST, go to the Academic Information  section of the catalog.    


Online, via Canvas (link available in courses) | and

eTutoring is available to LWTech students through the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) Western eTutoring Consortium. eTutoring is a synchronous and asynchronous web tutoring platform allowing tutors to work with students in real-time or in a question-and-answer format online. Support is offered through web conferencing, online writing labs, and a collection of study tips and learning resources. 

Students can access eTutoring through any Canvas course. The link is located in the navigation list in each Canvas course.  

Accommodations and Absences for Reasons of Faith or Conscience (Policy 5.P.08)

LWTech is committed to ensuring that students with faith- or conscience-based beliefs have equal opportunity to access and benefit from the college’s educational offerings and services. To this end, and in compliance with, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Washington’s Law Against Discrimination, LWTech has adopted procedures for reasonably accommodating and allowing for absences and accommodations based upon the faith or conscience based beliefs, observances, and practices of its students.

Procedures for requesting accommodations and absences are posted online: 

Food Service and Chef City Grill

In order to provide food options to students, LWTech contracts for a market place option that offers a variety of healthy and fresh food selections, beverages, and snacks. The market is open during all regular college hours. Various food trucks are also available on campus during midday Tuesday-Thursday.

In addition, the college operates Chef City Grill, a training restaurant for students in the Culinary Arts program. It is open to the public for full meal service. Hours of operation vary throughout the year.

Support for Students Experiencing Harassment

Harassment is unacceptable, against the law, and will not be tolerated on campus or at any off-campus events. The college strictly forbids harassment based on types of unlawful discrimination such as race, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, age, religion, genetic information, disability, or veteran status. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that may offend the recipient, cause discomfort, or humiliation and interfere with school or job performance.

If you believe you have been subjected to harassment by anyone on campus or at an off-campus event, you may report it to the Vice President of Student Services office at (425) 739-8208 or the Executive Director of Human Resources at (425) 739-8251. Your concerns will be promptly investigated and you will not suffer retaliation for reporting your concerns.

The Learning Lab

Technology Building, T217 | |

The Learning Lab offers free drop-in tutoring from faculty and certified tutors to support students in understanding course concepts and accessing resources in English, math, sciences, and other general education and select program classes.

Free Drop-In Tutoring 

For tutoring schedule by subject, visit

On-Campus Computer Lab and Study Areas 


Technology Building, T213 | (425) 739-8320 |

The Library at Lake Washington Institute of Technology offers a comfortable, flexible learning space for active learning, research, multi-media presentations, and working on collaborative projects. A dedicated and responsive team of librarians and library staff are available to support research and other information needs.

In addition, we offer:

  • Physical and electronic book collections (program-specific, as well as general and special interest) 
  • Circulating technology (including laptops, graphing calculators, web cameras, and headphones) 
  • Databases and research resources, available on and off campus 
  • Textbooks, study aids, anatomy models, and other reserve materials for current courses 
  • Computers with specialized software, including an entire quiet-study computer lab 
  • Physical and electronic periodicals (program-specific) 
  • Reservable study rooms 

Mental Health Counseling Services |

LWTech provides short-term mental health counseling to all students at no cost. Mental health counseling is a chance to talk confidentially with an objective person who can help you learn new skills and look at situations in different ways. This can help you become more capable of solving new problems on your own in the future. Some students benefit from one or two sessions of problem solving, while others may require more. For more information about LWTech’s mental health counseling services, request an appointment, or find additional mental health resources, please visit

LWTech does not offer crisis or after-hours services.

  • If you are experiencing a health emergency please call 911 or if you are able, go to your nearest Emergency Department
  • If you are in crisis please call 988 or Crisis Connections at (866) 427-4747.

The Opportunity Grant Program

West Building, W207 | (425) 739-8100, x8448 |

The Opportunity Grant (OG) Scholarship is designed to help low-income students in high demand pathways to reach their educational and employment goals. Students in the OG program may receive:

  • Tuition and fees for up to 45 credits or up to 3 years, whichever comes first
  • Up to $1000 per academic year for books and related supplies
  • Academic advising and career planning
  • Job search assistance and resources
  • Personal support, goal setting, problem solving, and support services

Eligibility guidelines to receive the grant include:

  • Low income, determined by the 2024-2025 FAFSA/WASFA and 2024-2025 income guidelines (guidelines are available on the webpage)
  • Washington state resident for at least 1 year
  • Must be enrolled in Business Technology, Accounting, Healthcare, Baking, Computer Security & Network Technology (CSNT), Computing & Software Development, or Professional-Technical IBEST programs (new programs may be added throughout the year, please review the webpage or contact the OG program for updates)
  • Maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA
  • Priority will be given to students who do not have a previous bachelor’s degree or higher


LWTech provides free parking facilities for visitors and students in both day and evening programs. Parking is not allowed along roadways or traffic lanes.

Designated spaces are available for disabled persons who display a state-issued parking sticker. For a carpool parking permit application form, please visit the Campus Public Safety Office in the East Building, 1st floor, room E145.

The Kirkland campus is conveniently located on Metro bus route 238.

Supplemental Instruction (SI)

Technology Building, T217 | (425) 739-8427 | 

Supplemental Instruction (SI) provides free academic support for academic core and technical courses. SI student facilitators are students who previously completed the courses they support. SI student facilitators sit in on the courses they support and provide assistance during class, as well as facilitate study sessions after class either online (using Zoom), or in-person in the Library Computer Lab (room T215 on the main floor of the library) student facilitators collaborate with faculty members in the SI Study Center to support students in targeted courses.  

The SI Writing Center will be opening Fall 2025 and will support English 93, English 99, and English 101, as well as writing assignments for all other classes and will be located in the Library Computer Lab (T215) 

Typically supported courses include math, biology, digital gaming, computer science, and computing and software development.  

Smoke-Free Campus

LWTech is a smoke-free campus; however the college recognizes the privilege of personal choice. Smoking on campus, including the use electronic cigarettes, is limited to the following areas ONLY: the fenced and sheltered areas at the north end of the East and West wings of the East building, the smoking shelter located across the Fire Lane to the west of the Tech Center, the North, South, West and Horticulture parking lots and the Tech building outside parking area.

Student Complaints

At LWTech, we take your concerns seriously. Depending on the type of concern you wish to report, we have different offices responsible for investigating and responding to your report. Please review the reporting options on our website (link above) and select the one that best matches your situation. 

Student Protections

No one in the college community shall suffer recrimination or discrimination because of participation in the due process grievance procedure. Confidentiality will be observed pending resolution. A grievance shall be considered resolved if timelines are not maintained. 

Student Conduct Code

LWTech has specific expectations regarding the conduct of those involved in the college community. Students are expected to comply with the college student conduct code, WAC 495D-121, and failure to do so may result in disciplinary actions, up to and including dismissal from the college. The student conduct code is available in the student handbook, on the college website and in the college Policy and Procedure Manual located in the library.

Student Email

All admitted students receive a college email address and server storage. All students must check this email for announcements about college business including: registration information, enrollment dates, special programs, scholarships, and up-to-date announcements about college closures. To log on to your email visit and follow the step by step instructions. Your initial password is your birthday in MMDDYY format. This email may be forwarded to a more familiar email address. For questions, email

TRIO Projects

Technology Building, T217 | (425) 739-8361 | |

TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) Project: Provides academic support for eligible first-generation and/or low-income students. 

TRIO Support Services for Students with Disabilities (SSSD) Project: Provides academic support for eligible students with documented disabilities. 

TRIO Projects are federally funded grants that are available to provide academic support to eligible students. TRIO provides one-on-one tutoring, academic advising and academic planning, student success appointments, transfer planning, career planning, financial-literacy education, help finding and applying for scholarships and FAFSA, and graduation planning. Students are encouraged to complete their degree or certificate and, if possible, transfer into a bachelor’s program. 

To be eligible for TRIO, you must:

  • be a citizen, national, or permanent resident (green card holder) of the United States 
  • be enrolled or planning to enroll at LWTech 
  • be enrolled in an associate degree, certificate of proficiency program, or an applied bachelor’s degree 
  • be a first-generation and/or low-income student OR a student with a documented disability (first-generation means that neither the student nor the student’s parents/guardians has a bachelor’s degree) 
  • be able to meet the criteria for academic services set by the TRIO Projects 
  • complete an application and attend the first appointment with a TRIO advisor 

Complete the TRIO application.

All services are through grants from the U.S. Department of Education. However, the contents have not been reviewed by the Department and no endorsement should be inferred. The Lake Washington Institute of Technology Student Support Services TRIO Projects are 100% federally funded annually at $558,203.00.

WorkFirst Programs

West Building, W207 | (425) 739-8131 |

WorkFirst offers access to training, support, resource referrals, and possible tuition and book assistance to TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) recipients attending LWTech and referred by DSHS. Students must be enrolled in a professional technical program (not a transfer or Bachelor program) or basic skills classes like HS+, ELL, or ABED. Support services include:

  • Assistance in finding financial aid resources
  • Academic advising and career planning
  • Short term training and assistance in finding employment
  • Information and referrals to community-based organizations
  • Tuition and book assistance (based on availability and other funding sources)
  • Priority registration
  • Clothing vouchers for work related clothes
  • Support in navigating DSHS

Worker Retraining

West Building, W207 | (425) 739-8206 |

The Worker Retraining program at LWTech provides specific services to students that meet eligibility requirements under these circumstances:

  • laid off from work - currently receiving unemployment benefits or exhausted benefits in the last 48 months
  • displaced homemakers - through divorce, separation, death, or other circumstances, you are no longer supported by the income of a partner in your home
  • self-employed and are now unemployed due to general economic conditions
  • military veterans discharged in the last 48 months or current active duty with separation orders
  • vulnerable to layoff - working, don’t already have a college certificate or degree and/or employer requires the training

Services may include:

  • tuition, book, and supply assistance
  • educational planning
  • development of an individual training plan
  • priority registration
  • career and job search assistance
  • assistance with CAT/TB applications

Student Life and Leadership

Office of Student Life

East Building, E128 | (425) 739-8314 or East Building, E126

Student life is about getting involved, connecting to your campus community, and building your leadership skills. There are many ways to be involved in student life at the college. Examples of ways to be involved with student life at the college include being selected as an Associated Student Government officer, volunteering for the Office of Student Life, joining or starting a student organization, participating in the many campus life activities, or engaging with our equity efforts. The Office of Student Life includes these programs, the RISE Center, Center for Veteran Student Success, the Wellness Center. Services include Daily Eating Necessities, the DEN, Meditation and Relaxation room, faxing, and campus posting. Visit the Office of Student Life in the East Building to learn more about these opportunities.

Associated Student Government

East Building, E126 | (425) 739-8314

Associated Student Government Executive Board

An active student government at LWTech provides excellent leadership opportunities for students as well as a forum to address student issues and concerns.

Your Associated Student Government is a group of students annually selected to represent the concerns and successes of all LWTech students. They work as a 5-member board that throughout the year meet weekly, support student success, and represent students to the LWTech Administration. Meetings are open to all students and any student may bring a concern or idea to the Board. To be an Executive Board Officer, contact the Associated Student Government in East Building, E126. All officer positions are open each year, in spring quarter. When vacancies occur, the Associated Student Government selection committee is responsible for filling those vacancies.

Associated Student Government Committees

Annually, ASG looks for students to serve on various college committees, including College Council, faculty tenure committees, ASG budget development, and hiring committees. These committees are a great way to volunteer your time to the college and learn how the college operates. You can provide your thoughts and ideas about the college as a student who experiences campus life. Committees often have a short volunteer time, so these opportunities fit into any schedule.

Services and Activities Fee

The Associated Student Government Executive Board and Board of Trustees annually approve a Services and Activities fee included in tuition. Among other things, this fee makes up a student focused budget which is used to fund student clubs, conference travel for students, lectures, on campus employment, childcare services and emergency grants for students. Please take advantage of these services and more by getting involved.

Technology Fee

A technology fee assessed to almost all students for the improvement of technology found in and out of classrooms. The ASG Executive Board pursued the technology fee, based on the feedback received from the student body. Annually, the ASG assembles a student-focused committee to assign funding to submitted proposals. To work with this committee, contact ASG in East Building, E126.

Wellness Fee

A wellness fee, of $20 a quarter for most enrolled students, was developed to open the Wellness Center. The Center is located in East Building, E116 and offers work out equipment like weights, circuit machines, treadmills, and accessible equipment. The Center is now available for all students to use because of this fee. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday.

Meditation Room

Technology Building, T118

This is a room allocated for those in need of a quiet space on campus to engage in meditation, prayer, or silent reflection. It is intended to be a safe and inclusive environment. Usage of the meditation room is on a first-come, first-served basis, and only LWTech students, staff, or faculty are eligible to use the room during designated open hours. The room is managed by the Wellness Center staff. The meditation room can be accessed with an assigned card from the Wellness Center.  Any questions or concerns about the meditation room can be directed to the Wellness Center by calling 425-739-8100 ext. 8319, emailing, or stopping by the Wellness Center in East Building, E116.

Daily Eating Necessities (DEN)

In front of Wellness Center, E116

The Daily Eating Necessities (DEN) Food Pantry provides small snacks as well as food students can take home and cook, for students struggling with food insecurity.  The DEN helps alleviate stress students experience from food insecurity while they are on campus.

Center of Excellence for Veteran Student Success

East Building, E131

LWTech Veteran Services includes the Center of Excellence for Veteran Student Success (CEVSS). The supportive staff connects Veteran students to their educational benefits and helps students build a vibrant and inclusive community. The Veterans Services team is dedicated to the educational, health and wellness, and transitional needs of today’s veterans. Center staff assist Veteran’s with academic advising, community development, and acclimating to civilian life. The Center is open for our veterans for these and other resources.

Student Organizations

Any student may charter a student organization through Office of Student Life. Student organizations offer leadership and learning opportunities and help you take advantage of ways to enhance your college experience. Many Orgs are funded by ASG with the services and activities fee paid through student tuition. Student organization meetings are open to anyone from the college community. Students involved in Orgs can compete nationally for recognition, travel to conferences, develop lasting industry networks, and meet new people. It’s a great way to learn about LWTech and your industry.

Student ID Cards

Photo identification cards are available at no extra charge for currently enrolled students at the Enrollment Services office in West Building room 201. ID cards serve as the Library card, provide access to college services, and act as your printing card. Contact Enrollment Services to receive a card. Cards are valid throughout enrollment. The cost of a replacement card is $2.

Student Lounges and Open Space

LWTech has many open spaces for students to gather. These spaces are managed by the college and are intended for students to gather, meet friends, hold study groups, and take a break between classes. If you encounter any issues with furniture or the surroundings, please contact Facilities and Operations in E199 Or the Office of Student Life In East Building, E128 or by calling 425-739-8314 or by emailing

RISE Center

East Building, E128 | (425) 739-8314

The RISE Center: Resources for Inclusion, Support, and Empowerment aims to build an equitable and inclusive campus community for all students through educational programs and advocacy. Additionally, the center is a support service for students from traditionally underrepresented and underserved backgrounds, such as students from minoritized ethnic/racial groups, students with disabilities, first-generation college students (those who are the first in their family to attend/graduate from college), members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) community, and undocumented students.

Campus Activities

The Lions CREW (Creating Resources for Equity & Wellness) Team provides events, activities, and resources for LWTech students that enrich our campus life and community. The purpose of these events, activities, and resources are to: connect students to their college community, introduce students to new ideas and cultures, support students’ interests and identities, and contribute to students’ academic success and contribute to workplace skill building. Each quarter these events are created by our student Lions CREW Team for their peers. We encourage all students to take advantage of campus activities.