Mar 06, 2025  
Catalog 2024-2025 
Catalog 2024-2025

PHYS& 114 General Physics I w/Lab

5 credits

This course covers kinematics, motion in two-dimensions, force and motion, work and energy, momentum and collisions, circular motion, gravitation, rotational motion, and solids. Includes laboratory.

This class meets the Natural Science  with lab general education distribution requirement.

Prerequisites: MATH 111  or MATH& 142  (or any higher level course in the calculus sequence)

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:

  • Define the basic concepts of introductory mechanical physics
  • Describe physical and quantitative relationships between kinetic and potential energy; impulse and momentum; force, mass, and acceleration; inertia and mass; work, power, and energy
  • Express, with the use of graphing techniques and analytical means, the relationships among displacement velocity and acceleration
  • Solve projectile and force problems using vector analysis
  • Define Newton’s Laws of Motion and analytically illustrate how they determine motion in “real-life” examples
  • Apply information learned to team laboratory and demonstration exercises

College-Wide Learning Outcomes
This course teaches to the college-wide learning outcome of Teamwork, the ability to participate actively and cooperatively in a group to advance a common goal.

Total Hours: 60 Theory (Lecture) Hours: 40 Guided Practice (Lab or Clinical) Hours: 20