Mar 31, 2025  
Catalog 2019-2020 
Catalog 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition and Financial Aid


Tuition and Fees

When you register for courses at LWTech, you are obligated to pay the associated tuition and related fees for those classes unless you drop your classes by the fifth day of the quarter. Students are encouraged to pay at the time of registration or to enroll in the Student Payment Plan.

All tuition and fees are due by the first day of the quarter unless previously arranged by an LWTech office, such as Financial Aid, Worker Retraining, or Student Accounts (includes Student Payment Plan).

  • Students with tuition and fees that have not been received by the end of the fifth day of the quarter may be dropped from classes.
  • For students enrolling after the fifth day of the quarter, tuition and fees are due at the time of registration. Students may be dropped for non-payment.
  • A late registration fee of $50 is assessed for students who register after the 10th day of the quarter.
  • Students who have paid or who are enrolled in the Student Payment Plan will need to withdraw by the scheduled refund dates to receive the level of reimbursements outlined in the college’s refund policy.
  • Unpaid balances are subject to collections including additional collection costs and legal fees.

Student Payment Plan

Nelnet is the only established payment plan. This plan allows students to pay tuition and fees on an installment basis. The Student Payment Plan covers your tuition and course fees for every quarter you enroll in the program. Payments are made in monthly installments each academic quarter.

For more information, see

Agency or Employer Payments

Students whose tuition and/or books will be paid by a third party, such as Labor & Industries, Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, WIA, or the student’s employer, need to contact the Student Accounts Office in W201E by phone at (425) 739-8184, fax at (425) 739-8250, or email at

Guaranteed Education Tuition (GET) Program Payments

Contact the Student Accounts Office, West Building W201E, at (425) 739-8184 or if your GET payments may arrive after the start of the quarter or for questions regarding coordination of Guaranteed Education Tuition (GET) payments.

Payment Options

Please use your student ID number for all payments so that we can apply your payment to the correct account. Payments may be made:

  1. Online at under Student Toolbox, and Credit Card Payment, using your student ID and PIN. This method does not allow partial payments. Visa, MasterCard and American Express only.
  2. At the Cashier’s Office, West Building W201F. Pay by cash, check, debit, Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit cards.
  3. Call the Cashier’s Office at (425) 739-8403 to pay by Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit cards.
  4. Mail a check to: LWTech, 11605 132nd AVE NE, Kirkland, WA 98034
  5. Cashier’s drop box outside Cashier’s Office after hours. Envelopes are available.

NOTE: Partial payments are not accepted without an established payment plan.

Refund Policy

If you withdraw early in the quarter, you might receive a full or partial refund. Not attending a class does not make you eligible for a refund. A refund will occur only when you officially drop within the refund period by completing an Add/Drop form. Refunds cannot normally be arranged by telephone. Students forfeit all claims to refund of tuition and fees if they fail to withdraw from a course, or are suspended or terminated for misconduct.

Refunds are distributed depending on how you pay. Payments made at the cashier office will be refunded by check and mailed to the address on the student account. Online bankcard payments will be refunded to the bankcard used for the original payment. Refunds of online Student Payment Plan payments will be made by check from the college. Refunds of less than $5 will not be mailed. Allow up to six weeks for processing. For federal or state-funded students, financial aid will be returned to aid programs on a pro-rata basis consistent with applicable federal and state rules. Students who receive financial aid and withdraw or cease attending classes before 60% of the quarter is completed may owe a repayment of financial aid.

NOTE: Refund percentages are based on prior full payment of tuition and fees. If you have not paid in full, you may still owe a balance if you withdraw from a class during a partial or non-refund period.

Refund Schedule

Cancellation of a course 100%

State-Supported Credit Courses

First five business days of the quarter 100%
After the fifth business day of the quarter and through the twentieth calendar day of the quarter 50%


  • Refunds for state-supported classes that start after the first week of the quarter or short courses that end early will be made using the same refund percentages as above. The refund schedule will be adjusted based on a ratio of the number of classes that have occurred at the time of withdrawal to the total number of class sessions.
  • Washington Online (WAOL) courses use WAOL quarter dates for refund percentages.

Official Withdrawal Definition

Official withdrawal occurs when a student drops all classes. Refund requests must be made in person, in writing, or via the Web.

Pass-Through Fees Refund

Fees such as insurance that are passed through to another agency may be refunded at 100 percent through the first week of the quarter only. No refund will be made if any insurance claim has been filed.

Estimated 2019-2020 Degree and Certificate Program Costs

Please visit for estimated 2019-2020 degree and certificate program costs. Projected estimated costs are subject to change.

Estimated program costs do not apply to international students. For International Student estimated costs, see

1098-T Tuition Statements

Tax form 1098-T Tuition Statements are mailed at the end of January to students who have paid qualified tuition and related expenses. Please be sure we have your current address and your social security number. Updates can be submitted to Enrollment Services in W201. For questions regarding your 1098-T, please contact Student Accounts in W201E by email at or call (425) 739-8184.

Tuition Rates

Tuition rates are set by the Washington State Legislature and the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC). Tuition rates are published on the website at Tuition and fees are subject to change without prior notice.

The college may charge other fees to cover costs such as registration, late fees, insurance, supply, lab fees, and parking fees.

For the most current tuition and fee information please visit the website at

A list of estimated degree and certificate costs by program can be found at

Tuition Waivers

Lake Washington Institute of Technology offers tuition waivers in accordance with State of Washington law and policies authorized by the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges for several categories of students including but not limited to the following:

  • Non-resident students who are U.S. citizens will receive a waiver resulting in resident tuition rates plus required non-resident building fees.
  • Children and Spouses of Totally Disabled or POW/ MIA or deceased eligible veterans or national guard members.
  • Children of Deceased or disabled law enforcement officers or firefighters.
  • Adult Basic Education, English as a second language, and GED preparation.
  • Eligible veterans or national guard members.
  • High School Completion.
  • Senior Citizens.
  • State Employees.
  • Apprentice students.
  • Running Start students.
  • Some students with program requirements exceeding 18 quarterly credits.

Please check with Enrollment Services to determine eligibility and current waiver policy.

Financial Aid

Financial Aid

West Building, W209 | (425) 739-8106 |

Students are encouraged to review financial aid requirements and priority deadline dates through our website at, by reading the available literature, or by contacting the Financial Aid Office. LWTech believes students should have the opportunity to achieve their educational goals and the Financial Aid Office is here to help support you in your educational efforts.

Financial aid is available for eligible students who enroll either to earn an eligible certificate or a degree. Students and their families need not be low-income to qualify for some kinds of financial aid. By applying for financial aid as early as possible and meeting the institutional priority date, students have the best chance of being reviewed before the beginning of each quarter, and the best chance of maximum funds eligibility each financial aid year.

Financial aid is intended to add to but not replace a person’s financial resources. If combined resources are not sufficient to cover expenses, you may be eligible for financial aid in the form of grants, scholarships, low-interest student loans and student employment. You must demonstrate a financial need to be eligible for most types of assistance. Financial need is calculated as the difference between the cost of attending school and what you and your family can afford to pay.

Sample Calculation:
    Cost of Attendance
  - Expected Family Contribution

  = Financial Need

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the basic form to apply for assistance and is your passport to financial aid. Information on this form determines your eligibility for grants, scholarships, work study and low-interest loans.

Financial Aid Application Procedure

  • Complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at This application collects financial data and other information used to calculate the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) that determines a student’s eligibility for aid. Most of the forms needed may be downloaded from the Financial Aid website at
  • Stay in touch with the Financial Aid Office to be certain that all information has been received to complete your file.
  • Students must reapply for financial aid each year after October 1 for the new award year beginning with summer quarter. The financial aid year begins with summer quarter and ends with spring quarter.
  • For priority processing and quarterly application deadlines visit the financial aid website at

Eligibility Requirements

Students are eligible for financial aid if they are:

  • Attending for the purpose of obtaining a degree or certificate at the college. (Some certificate programs may not be eligible for certain types of aid. Check with the Financial Aid Office to verify program eligibility.)
  • Citizens of the United States or eligible non-citizens.
  • Making satisfactory academic progress in a program of study as defined by the institution’s satisfactory progress criteria.
  • Not in default on any previous student loans or owing a refund on any federal education grant.
  • Registered for the draft with Selective Service (if male), as required by law.
  • Most students beginning their program on July 1, 2012 or later must have a high school diploma or equivalent such as a GED to receive federal aid (some exceptions may apply). Students without a high school diploma or GED may receive state aid if they are otherwise eligible and meet “Ability to Benefit” requirements (passing scores on an approved Ability to Benefit test or completion of at least 6 regular program credits).
  • Aid may only be offered for classes required for the student’s program.

Students who have the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree (including degrees earned in a foreign country) are limited to applying for loans and work-study assistance.

Students will be notified of their financial aid award by email or letter. Awarding begins in May.

Federal Financial Aid Refund Policy

Students that receive federal financial aid are subject to the federal Return to Title IV Funds regulations. These regulations state that aid eligibility for a student receiving federal aid must be recalculated under most circumstances if the student withdraws from classes early or ceases to attend during the quarter. Some students may owe a repayment to the federal aid programs. These regulations and any resulting amounts owed are separate from and may be in addition to the college’s own tuition refund policy. For a copy of the Return to Title IV Funds refund policy, please contact the Financial Aid Office.

Worker Retraining, WorkFirst, Opportunity Grant, and Basic Food, Employment & Training (BFET) Programs

See the Support Services  for students section of this catalog. To determine your eligibility, check with the Worker Retraining, WorkFirst, Opportunity Grant, or Basic Food, Employment & Training programs in room W207.

Other forms of financial aid are available through non-profit agencies and community-based organizations.

Veterans Benefits

Lake Washington Institute of Technology has been authorized by the Department of Veterans Affairs to certify veterans for educational benefits. In order to be eligible for educational benefits, you must be enrolled in a certificate- or degree-granting program that has been pre-approved by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Most programs at Lake Washington Institute of Technology are approved.

For more information please go to You may contact the Veterans Certifying Official at (425) 739-8106 for additional information. The Veterans Certifying Official is located in the Financial Aid office in the West Building, W209.

If you are applying for Vocational Rehabilitation benefits (Chapter 31), you will need to contact a VA case manager at the Seattle regional office at (206) 341-8228 for further requirements regarding benefits.

To apply for benefits under Chapter 30, 31, 33, 35, 1606 and 1607, you will need the following documents:

  1. Completed “Application for VA Benefits” or “Request for Change of Program or Place of Training”, whichever one is applicable.
  2. Copy of your Certificate of Eligibility letter from the VA. Students receiving Chapter 31 benefits will need a form 28-1905 sent to the certifying official by their case manager.
  3. Copy of your DD-214 (unless you are applying for Chapter 1606-reservist, or Chapter 35-dependent on survivor’s benefits). Please do not submit original copies.
  4. Attend a Veteran Benefits Orientation. Call the Veteran Services Office at (425) 739-8213 for current times and locations.
  5. Meet with an academic adviser or attend an academic planning session. You may contact the advising office at (425) 739-8300 to schedule an appointment. Complete a written academic plan with your adviser and turn in a copy to the veteran certifying offical in the Financial Aid Office, W209.
  6. You will need to submit official transcripts, by your third quarter of attendance, for both military experience and colleges that you had after high school to determine if credits will go toward your program of study. You may request that these be sent directly to the Admission’s office. You must also request that the Admission’s office evaluate the transcript.

Please note that it may take at least 40 days after the start of the quarter to receive your first check. If you have any questions regarding check disbursements or the application process, log onto the website (opens new window) or contact the Department of Veterans Affairs at (888) 442-4551.

Veterans who have received an honorable discharge or are members of the National Guard or Reservists called to active duty may also be eligible for a 25% waiver of tuition costs. Veterans may apply for this waiver at the Enrollment Services office. For more information regarding the Veterans Waivers, please contact Enrollment Services.

Children or spouse of a Disabled/Deceased/MIA/POW veteran may be eligible to receive a waiver of all tuition and fees. Contact the Financial Aid office in W209 or Enrollment Services office in W201 for more information.

Financial Aid Programs

Federal Pell Grant

The federal Pell Grant is aid that is free monetary assistance for educational expenses. Students who have earned a baccalaureate degree are no longer eligible. Like other grants, the Pell Grant is adjusted for less than full-time enrollment.

Federal SEOG Grant

The federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) is awarded to high need students who apply early in the year (funds are limited). Students must be eligible for the Pell Grant to receive this assistance.

Washington College Grant (formerly Washington State Need Grant)

This grant is available for Washington residents only. The Washington College Grant is adjusted for less than full time enrollment and may not exceed the amount of allowable tuition and fees each quarter. Although this is a state grant, eligibility is determined by FAFSA.

State Financial Aid for Dreamers

Effective summer 2014, a new state law has expanded eligibility for the Washington State Need Grant to low-income, non-citizen students who meet the program’s eligibility requirements and who meet one of the two criteria listed below:

  • Completion of a high school diploma or GED or equivalent in Washington State, and have lived in Washington State for three years prior to and continuously since earning a high school diploma or GED or equivalent, or
  • DACA (whether status is current or expired) students who meet Washington State residency requirements

For more information and to complete a Washington Application for State Financial Aid, visit the state’s Ready Set Grad website at


Scholarships, like grants, offer free monetary assistance for educational needs. Scholarships are offered by organizations associated with the college and by outside agencies. For a current list of resources, please visit our website at

Student Work Study

Work Study is part-time employment funded by federal or state financial aid funds. Students apply by marking they are interested in work study on their FAFSA or WASFA. Students must be eligible to work in the U.S. as determined by state and federal requirements. Funds are limited and are awarded to students on the basis of need who apply early. Students may work up to a maximum of 19 hours a week. Students must be enrolled at least half-time. For more information, please visit our website.

Stafford and Plus Student Loans

The federal Stafford loan is a student loan guaranteed by the federal government; students do not need to have established credit to qualify. Student repayment begins up to 6 months after you leave school or drop below half-time. The Parent PLUS Loan is available for dependent students, and parents may borrow up to the cost of the student’s budget, minus any other aid, with this loan if approved.

Veterans Benefits

Veterans benefits are available for qualifying veterans, including chapters 30, 31, 33, 35, 1606 and 1607. Students must be in a program approved for these benefits by the Department of Veterans Affairs (most programs at LWTech are approved). For more information on veterans benefits, see above.

LWTech Foundation

The Foundation offers scholarships and also provides emergency financial assistance to students with pressing needs through the Student Emergency Fund which is administered by the Financial Aid Director. The LWTech Foundation currently manages a variety of accounts and endowments on behalf of generous donors and the college departments for the benefit of students and programs.

For more information on Foundation scholarships and/or the Student Emergency Fund, please contact the Financial Aid Office at (425) 739-8106 or

Maintaining Eligibility for Financial Aid

Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements for Financial Aid Recipients

To continue to receive financial aid, students must meet Satisfactory Academic Process (SAP) requirements. Satisfactory Academic Progress includes qualitative and quantitative measures, as well as maximum time frame requirements. The information below is a summary of key requirements.

Qualitative Measure

All students on or applying for financial aid must complete a minimum number of credits, with a quarterly and cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.

Quantitative Measure

Full-time students need to complete at least 12 credits per quarter, three-quarter time students at least 9, and half-time students at least 6. Less than half-time students must complete all credits attempted.

Students who fail to meet the quarterly or cumulative GPA requirements or who fail to complete the minimum number of credits for their enrollment status for one quarter may be placed on warning status for the next quarter and may receive aid; however, certain limitations apply. Students who fail SAP requirements for 2 consecutive quarters, or fail to complete at least 50% of credits (or all credits for less than half-time students), for the minimum enrollment level attempted in any one particular quarter will be placed on suspended status and will be ineligible for further aid.

Maximum Time Frame and Program Limitations

Students must complete the program they are pursuing in no more than 150% (or 125% for State Financial Aid) measured in attempted credits. For example, if a student is pursuing an AAS degree which requires 100 credits to complete, the maximum time frame would be 150 attempted credits (125 for State Financial Aid), regardless of whether the credits were funded by financial aid or not. Students must also meet pace of progression standards, indicating they will complete their program within the maximum time frame allowed (please see the complete policy for details). Students may receive financial aid at LWTech for a maximum of 2 programs.


Financial aid may be re-instated after students have completed, at their own expense, a quarter at the minimum level they were enrolled in (full-time, half-time, etc.), during the quarter for which their aid was cancelled (this does not apply to students who have reached the maximum time frame limitation). The classes must be at LWTech and the student must meet all applicable satisfactory academic progress requirements while completing the required credits. Awarding of financial aid for reinstated students is on a funds-available basis only.

Appeal Process

In some cases there may be extraordinary circumstances (beyond the student’s control), which may be considered for students whose aid has been suspended. A written petition, along with supporting documentation, may be submitted for consideration. Students whose aid is reinstated through the appeal process will be placed on probation status in their next quarter of attendance. Awarding of financial aid for reinstated students is on a funds-available basis only. The Financial Aid Office reserves the right to determine continued eligibility.

Other conditions to maintain satisfactory academic progress for financial aid may apply. To view or print the complete policy, visit: