Mar 13, 2025
Catalog 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
INTL 079 Beginning Academic Reading5 credits This course, for non-native speakers of English who are international students, emphasizes reading skills, develops integrated critical thinking and language -learning strategies, and vocabulary building at the beginning level.
Prerequisites: Appropriate score on IEP Placement test, or instructor permission.
Corequisites: INTL 077 , INTL 078 or INTL 084 , IINTL 059.
Quarters Offered: All
Student Outcomes/Competencies: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to, in English:
- Differentiate between main ideas and supporting details in high-beginner level materials
- Evaluate simple written texts for advantages and disadvantages/pros and cons
- Express opinions and support them with specific information
- Give advice and offer suggestions in an advice column format
- Effectively use brainstorming, graphic organizers, and outlines to generate and organize information for writing
- Write clear simple and complex sentences, showing some control of basic grammar (e.g. present and past tense) and punctuation
- Write clear simple academic paragraphs with topic sentences, support and conclusions
Total Hours: 50 Lecture Hours: 50