Feb 17, 2025  
Catalog 2017-2018 
Catalog 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

INTL 074 Beginning Academic Listening & Speaking

5 credits
This course, for non-native speakers of English who are international students, builds on and reinforces the skills taught in INTL 062. Students practice simple listening and speaking skills necessary for the academic English classroom. Students work on inferring, evaluating, analyzing, and interpreting skills through a variety of activities.

Prerequisites: Appropriate score on IEP Placement test, or INTL 062, or instructor permission.

Corequisites: INTL 075 .

Student Outcomes/Competencies:
Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to, in English:

  • Use context clues to infer the meanings of words in a simple context
  • Identify and share opinions using learned expressions
  • Relate listening excerpts on familiar topics to personal experiences
  • Organize and synthesize information from beginner -level listening excerpts
  • Negotiate with others to reach consensus on simple, familiar topics
  • Discuss costs and benefits and make suggestions using simple language
  • Prepare and give short and simple presentations

Total Hours: 60 Lecture Hours: 60