Mar 13, 2025
Catalog 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
NURS 117 Skills Lab I2 credits This course is an introduction to the principles of therapeutic communication and techniques for use with clients, families, and co-workers. Students identify patterns of communication and explore common barriers to safe and effective communication.
Prerequisites: Instructor permission.
Quarters Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring
Student Outcomes/Competencies: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
- Holistically care for self, patients, colleagues, and community within an ethical, legal, and diverse framework within the scope of practice of the RN
- Demonstrate basic nursing skills needed to provide safe and effective nursing care: surgical asepsis, oxygen therapy, wound care, medication administration (QSEN: patent centered care) (GO: Information Literacy)
- Incorporate assessment skills and recognition of homeostasis changes in providing skilled nursing care activities (QSEN: Patient Centered Care)
- Use the nursing process as the basis for providing care and troubleshooting (QSEN Patient Centered Care) (GO: Critical thinking)
- Demonstrate respect for patient privacy, confidentiality, and autonomy (QSEN: Patient Centered Care)
- Demonstrate competency in educating and communicating with patients, families, interdisciplinary teams, and systems with a focus on quality health care and promotion and functional patient outcomes
- Demonstrate the use of effective communication in establishing the client nurse relationship (QSEN: Patient Centered Care) (GO Communication)
- Use appropriate terminology and effective communication skills in communicating with health care team members, care givers, and families (QSEN: Teamwork and Collaboration) (GO: Teamwork)
- Implement the nursing care process to demonstrate safe, competent and evidence-based care within a variety of settings using appropriate tools and technologies
- Identify appropriate various infection control precautions (QSEN: Safety, EBP)
- Maintain appropriate infection control measures in nursing care activities (QSEN: Safety, EBP) (GO: Information Literacy)
- Demonstrate safe handling of oxygen, infectious waste, medication delivery devices, and sterile fields. (QSEN: Safety, EBP) (GO: Information Literacy)
- Use proper body mechanics in medication administration and wound care QSEN: Safety, EBP) (GO: Critical Thinking)
- Utilize clinical reasoning skills to synthesize patient assessment data, scientific knowledge, and pharmacology to safely manage a rapidly changing health care status
- Recognize and respond appropriately to clients experiencing adverse effects from oxygen therapy, wound care, medication and enemas (QSEN: Safety) (GO: Communication)
- Use critical thinking in all decision making related to providing care and skills performance (GO: Critical Thinking)
- Provide leadership to effectively collaborate and delegate with patient, family, interdisciplinary, systems administration and the wider community
- Demonstrate ability to work cooperatively with health care team members to provide safe and effective nursing care (QSEN: Teamwork and Collaboration) (GO: Teamwork)
- Use technical and information resources to enhance communication and support effective teamwork ( QSEN: Informatics) (GO: Information Literacy)
- Discuss the role of the Nurse, LPN and RN in patient care decision making, implementation, and evaluation (QSEN: Communication)