Mar 12, 2025
Catalog 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ELEC 114 Electronics Testing Processes and Techniques I2 credits A practical study of techniques and methods of basic electrical testing and parameter measurement. Component identification, technical methodology and practices that are utilized throughout the electronics industry are studied. Testing emphasis is on portable hand-held electronic test equipment, including VOMs and DMMs.
Prerequisites: MATH 087 , ENGL 093 , or equivalent placement scores, or instructor permission.
Corequisites: ELEC 110 .
Quarters Offered: Winter, Spring, Summer
Student Outcomes/Competencies: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
- Select and safely use laboratory power supplies for various applications
- Describe the uses and operating principles of a D’Arsonval meter movements and safely use a D’Arsonval meter for an application
- Select and safely use a DC ammeter and voltmeter for an application
- Select and safely use an Ohmmeter for an application and describe the uses and operating principles of a Ohmmeter
- Describe the uses and operating principles of a Megger and safely use a Megger for an application
- Select and safely use an Analog Multimeter for an application and describe the uses and operating principles of an Analog Multimeter
- Distinguish between the applications of a continuity test and an Ohmmeter measurement
- Describe the uses and operating principles of a Digital Multimeter and select and safely use a Digital Multimeter
- Determine need for equipment calibration and prepare calibration schedules for test instruments